The first on set photos from Tom Felton’s upcoming drama Therese have been released online. The film is based off Emile Zola’s Therese Raquin of Budapest, Hungary and has Felton starring as ailing Camille Raquin. He is joined by Elizabeth Olsen and Jessica Lange, who are portraying his wife and mother respectively. There is no set release date currently available. Thanks to Snitchseeker for the amazing photos.
Category Archives: Tom Felton
Tom Felton is the newest ambassador of END7
Tom Felton, the actor who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, just recently became the newest campaign ambassador to END7. The mission of END7 is to see the end of 7 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) by 2020. Below is a photo of Tom in his END7 t-shirt.
Felton had this to say about his involvement with END7:
I was inspired to support the END7 campaign when I learned how easy it was for young people to get involved. By donating just a few pence, anyone can help get these treatments to people who need them most and hopefully change the future for the millions of children growing up in developing countries around the world.
First trailer for Tom Felton’s ‘Labyrinth’ TV series, also starring John Hurt, released online
Labyrinth, described as “an adventure story set both in Medieval and modern-day France and centered on two woman bound together by the secret of the holy Grail”, is a joint German, British and South African TV project set to go on air this year, although it doesn’t have any distributor in the US or UK yet. Tom plays the medieval Viscount Trencavel while John Hurt (Ollivander) plays the modern day Audric Baillard. Thanks to Feltbeats for the tip on this trailer.