Emma Watson in final negotiations to star in Del Toro’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ adaptation!

Several months ago, rumours circulated that Emma Watson was being lined up to take the lead role in a new live-action adaptation of the classic Beauty and the Beast. Now, Variety is reporting that this is close to becoming a reality, with Guillermo Del Toro directing and Andrew Davies writing the film for Warner Brothers.

Guillermo del Toro will direct “Beast,” a new take on the “Beauty and the Beast” tale that Warners has tapped “Bridget Jones’s Diary” scribe Andrew Davies to write.

WB’s “Harry Potter” star Emma Watson is in final negotiations to topline the period pic. Del Toro was originally on board just to produce.

DiNovi Pictures’ Denise Di Novi and Alison Greenspan will produce with del Toro, who plans to write a treatment from which Davies will work.

We’re very excited to hear this news and we think it could be a great move for Emma and for the movie. Of course, we’ll bring any more info as we hear it.

Posted by on February 14, 2012 at 9:21 pm.

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