Two new Deathly Hallows promos surface
More promo pictures for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have surfaced online, coming originally from the new Retratos do Mundo Mágico sticker book. The first shown below is of Harry near the trio's tent, possibly leading up to the Silver Doe scene (click the image for a high resolution version). The second photo shows Harry and Hermione looking at the shard of Sirius' mirror.

Posted on 20 Sep 2010 by Tom

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J.K. Rowling revealed as pseudonym author of ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’

The-Cuckoos-CallingThe Harry Potter fandom and the publishing world had a big surprise earlier this month when The Sunday Times revealed that a little known book called The Cuckoo’s Calling, supposedly written by début author Robert Galbraith, was in fact the work of the one-and-only J.K. Rowling!

The crime novel was published in April and garnered some rave reviews before the outing of the real author. The news spread like wildfire and its modest sales skyrocketed, sending it straight to the top of bestseller lists.

Some speculated whether it was all a clever marketing strategy by the publisher, but the real story was soon revealed: a partner at a legal firm working with Rowling on the novel had told his wife about the true identity of Robert Galbraith, who disclosed it to her friend, who then informed a Sunday Times journalist.

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March 28th 2013: Richard Griffiths dies aged 65

Richard Griffiths Dies Aged 65In March we heard the very sad news that Vernon Dursley actor Richard Griffiths had passed away at the age 65 following complications from heart surgery.

Richard was born in Yorkshire, the son of a steelworker and a seamstress, and went on to become a successful stage and screen actor, becoming well known for another uncle role, Uncle Monty in Withnail and I, and winning a Laurence Olivier award and a Tony award for his part in the play The History Boys.

Following his death in hospital in Coventry, tributes flooded from his Harry Potter colleagues and the wider world, and his funeral was attended by over 300 people.

Note: we’ve had a hiatus on this site for several months, meaning this news did not get reported, but we felt it appropriate to finally post it here. We wish Richard’s family and friends well as they continue to deal with the loss of a very well-loved man.

‘The Casual Vacancy’ by J.K. Rowling released worldwide

JK Rowling’s new book for adults The Casual Vacancy, her first novel since Harry Potter, hit store shelves throughout the world this morning!

With millions of pre-orders and most critics so far giving it favourable reviews, it looks like the book is going to be a resounding success. (Did anyone ever doubt that?) Congratulations to Jo in this new stage of her amazing career. We look forward to reading it!

Here is a great picture from the Waterstones bookshop in Oxford Street: