Yesterday marked fifteen years since the first publication of Philosopher’s Stone (they only printed 500 copies!). In honour of this anniversary, The Guardian re-published one of their very early articles about JK Rowling and Harry Potter. It includes an interview with JKR herself, which is fascinating to read in hindsight, where she speaks about getting accepted by Bloomsbury and expresses her astonishment at the huge (now comparatively tiny!) six-figure sums of money coming her way.
Have a read of that right here. Click the image for a larger version:


With Pottermore making updates until the release of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Pottermore Insider recently announced that they are setting up a House Cup Tournament. As you already know, the House Cup is awarded to the house with the most house points at the end of the school year. On Pottermore, you can achieve house points through brewing potions and dueling. Here is what Pottermore said:
Pottermore students have been working hard on their potion-making and duelling skills to earn house points for their respective houses. Those points have been gathering and, with the numbers building up to impressive heights, we can now announce that the Pottermore House Cup will be awarded soon! The house with the greatest number of points will win the Pottermore House Cup, so keep up the duelling and brewing. We’ll be posting updates regarding the Pottermore House Cup both on the Insider and on the Pottermore Gateway, but also somewhere else… We’re pleased to announce that each Pottermore house now has its own noticeboard. Your house noticeboard can be found in your house’s common room on Pottermore – make sure you visit to stay up to date with the latest house news as we begin the countdown to the announcement of the Pottermore House Cup winner. It’s an exciting time; good luck to all houses!
Everyone go online and get to brewing and dueling! The House Cup will be awarded on July 5th.

E3, the video game and entertainment conference, was held earlier this past week and CinemaBlend previewed Harry Potter Kinect. They shared a few thoughts on how they thought gameplay faired on the Kinect console: Get the whole story »